The Story
Eagle Forum was founded in 1972 by Phyllis Stewart Schafly. Phyllis was an American constitutional lawyer and movement conservative. She held staunchly conservative social and political views, supported anti-feminism, opposed abortion, and successfully campaigned against ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
About Us
Our purpose is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self government and public policy making so that America will continue to be a land that values individual liberty, property rights, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, and the free enterprise system.
We meet monthly on Sunday
Vision, Mission, Objective, Strategy, Action Plan
Vision: Eagle Forum Orange County Chapter envisions a return to conservative ideals that restore and preserve the United States of America as a Constitutional Republic system of government and economics.
Mission: Eagle Forum of Orange County is to be a major contributor in the restoration of conservative principles and values by attaining local and state government, U.S. House and U.S. Senate majorities.
Objective: To restore Orange County districts and communities to conservative control.
Strategy - Education, Information, Empowerment
* Newsletter/Action Alerts
* Monthly Meeting/Annual Conference
* Promote at Outside Events
* Enlist Volunteers
* Align With Other Organization with like vision
Orange County Chapter Leadership
Gloria Pruyne
David Pruyne
Joan May
Marie Palmer
Board of Director:
Jon Paul White
Board of Director:
Steve Jackson
Board of Director:
David Lehman
Monthly Meetings
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 7:00 PM
Huntington Valley Baptist Church 9779 Starfish Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708
“WARNING: EMF – Health Hazard – Easy Solutions”
SPEAKER: Tracy Coe
What you need to know to protect yourself will be shared.
​How to Avoid High Sources of EMF!
· Cell Phone
· Laptop or PC
· Solar Panels
· Wi-Fi TV/Cable
· Wi-Fi Watch
· Wi-Fi Printers
· Cordless Phone
· Fans & A/C
· Electric/Smart Meter
· Low-orbit Satellites
Join us at one of our monthly gatherings. Request time and location of our next upcoming meeting below.
Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently, without charge, to provide its clients with all the legal support they need. Pacific Justice Institute's strategy is to coordinate and oversee large numbers of concurrent court actions through a network of hundreds of affiliate attorneys nationwide.
Pass The Beacon supports all campus conservatives and Christians in filling in the gaps, financially, legally and in mentorship, hoping to work in conjunction with efforts already in place, not to replace them. Our initiative exists to promote values first, not partisanship. These values are rooted in Judeo-Christian values that helped found the Constitution and this great nation. We use positive incentives to encourage collaboration and growth.
The California Department of Education oversees the state's public school system, which is responsible for the education of more than six million children and young adults in more than 10,000 schools with 295,000 teachers. The Department is in charge of enforcing education law and regulations.
The U.S. Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836 and the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846 declared the right of the people in the states of Alta California and California respectively to throw off the bonds of tyranny. New California is a new state in development exercising it’s Constitutional Right to form from the State of California. The process to form New California is authorized and codified in Article 4 Section 3 of the United States Constitution.
The Conservative Thinker is a forum where conservatives can express their views, defend their beliefs and debate the opposition.The only moderation rule is no personal attacks. Such attacks will result in the offender(s) being removed and banned from the site. Thank you and have at it.
The California Globe is publication which includes social media outlets obsessively chronicles California politics with a skewed leftist slant. It is a great resource for understanding how the left frames and articulates their respective collective agendas and policies.